Setting Up Your Brooder

  • Your brooder can be big or small depending on how many chickens you have. Remember that they do get large and you do not want to put them outside until they are fully feathered. We use a plastic tub for a little bit and then when they can be outside with heat, we move them to our coop which has an area for a brooder. If you will be keeping them in a brooder until they are fully feathered, I suggest a galvanized stock tank and lots of space.
  • Heater. We use this heater. We have found that this heater does help them feather out quicker. I like that it’s no frills and the chickens get to choose how far away from it at all times. They get to choose how warm they stay. There is also no fire hazard.
  • Food. I have always used non-medicated. I don’t have a preference, I just haven’t seen the need to use medicated feed. Feed them chick-starter crumbled feed until they start laying. Always get crumble for when they are little – I honestly don’t think they give you a choice with pellets. I keep food when they are little in a smaller feeder, then when they go to the bigger brooder I put a long dish in that protects it from getting pooped or stepped in. Food Dish.
  • Water. Keep it clean and fresh. Even baby chickens scratch around in their brooder, filling the water dish with pine shavings. We use the water bases that attach to a canning jar. I find them easy to store and simple to wash. Water Dish. When they get bigger and there is more space, I get a bigger water dish. Bigger Water Dish.
  • Bedding. We use pine shavings or you can use the pellets that are pine shavings put into a pellet. Either is great, it just gets down to preference. We use hemp in our chicken coop now, so I would probably use pellets or hemp. Both provide less dust!
two dogs looking at chicks

Raising Friendly Chickens

  • Get notoriously friendly breeds! Read my blog post about our favorite family-friendly breeds!
  • Get breeds that lay well. 250 eggs or more a year!
  • Hold them – All the time. If you have littles, let them enjoy holding the little babes.
  • Start talking to them. I call mine “girls”. When I go outside, I say “Hey girls!” and they come running.
  • Name them. This might seem funny, but all the chickens I regularly hold have names.
buff orpington chick and americana chick