Author: Lauren

  • Why I Cinderella Mop My Floors

    Why I Cinderella Mop My Floors

    We were in California on vacation, and I saw my best friend from high school. She and her fiancé live in the cutest home in LA. I asked her how she mopped her flooring because they had no carpet. Her answer surprised me. She said she mops them on her…

  • MINI Greeting Cards

    MINI Greeting Cards

    I like mini things. Whenever there is anything mini, I am immediately drawn to it. Mini honey? I’m buying it. Mini Bag Balm? Yep! I have to have it. While I was messing around with my new cameo and Quinn needed a card for her friend, I got an idea—mini…

  • A Gift Guide For the Person Who Loves Tea

    A Gift Guide For the Person Who Loves Tea

    At the end of December, we went to a local tea shop and cafe with our little family, my side of the family, and my grandma. We went for High Tea, and it was so much fun. We got to have cute little sandwiches cut into different shapes. They had…

  • Makeup Products for Acne-Prone Skin

    Makeup Products for Acne-Prone Skin

    When I started wearing makeup, I wore non-comedogenic labeled makeup. When I started having terrible hormonal acne, it felt like nothing was working. When I looked in the mirror, I was so insecure about how my face looked, and it was the first time in my life that I felt…

  • Raising Baby Ducks For Beginners

    Raising Baby Ducks For Beginners

    You have seen all the baby duck pictures on social media. You are probably here asking yourself, “Could I raise baby ducks?” I’m here to tell you it’s not hard, but it’s different if you have raised chickens. It can be more challenging to raise baby ducks. You will enjoy…

  • Why I Quit Traditional Social Media

    Why I Quit Traditional Social Media

    In October 2018, I decided that social media was not for me. I deleted it and took breaks from it, but I wanted to try it for a year. Being a millennial who grew up in an age with flip phones, pressing the “end” button over and over on your…

  • What I Learned in 2023

    This yearly tradition allows me to reflect, look forward, see growth, be thankful, and know what I need to continue learning. 2023 was a year of waiting again, and in that waiting, a considerable change followed a lot of uncertainty in our adoption plans. We found out that our previous…

  • Love or Forget It? Chicken Coop Edition

    We built our chicken coop in 2019. It’s now 2023 and we’ve made some renovations. I’ve learned what I love and hate in a chicken coop and I’m going to share with you what those are. Forget It: Droppings Board/Litter Trays: We started with 8 chickens. My coop didn’t take…

  • Dear Anxiety: How You Make me Borrow Troubles

    Dear Anxiety, I’m done borrowing trouble and worry from tomorrow, the next day, the next week, the next month, and the next year. I’m done. Well, I really want to be. Yet, I’m in this cycle of dwelling on what ifs. This week I had two women tell me to…

  • Raising Kids with Animals

    Raising Kids with Animals

    When I was a little girl I had many pets. Bunnies, guinea pigs, fish – two particular 25-cent goldfish lived so long we actually had to move them to a cow water tank when we moved away, cats, dogs, and chickens. I got to see all parts of an animal’s…