Author: Lauren
Dear Anxiety: How I’m Walking Through Anxiety
This is steering away from what I usually blog about and getting more personal. Writing helps me organize my thought paths and get things out. It also allows me not to feel ashamed of my thoughts or feelings. So welcome. Here are some of my innermost thoughts: Dear Anxiety, I…
Our Favorite Perennials for Zone 6
We live in North Idaho but grew up as kids on the Western side of Washington. School and careers brought us over; we met and then never left. When it came time to fill our yard with plants, we wanted to do perennials because of the low maintenance they provide.…
Why Backyard Chickens are Beneficial
I have always wanted chickens. I wanted chickens ever since I was little. We lived out at a country home when my family got chickens the only time. We went on vacation and when we came back, an animal had killed and eaten all our chickens. Wah Wah. Fast forward…
What is a Fairy Egg?
So your chicken laid a fairy egg, aka fart egg, witch egg, or dwarf egg; these are just some of the names for these little eggs your hen left for you in the box. You are probably wondering what’s the matter with my chicken. Or what is this teeny tiny…
How to Treat Pasty Butt in Baby Chickens
Pasty butt is a pretty common ailment in baby chickens. As a chicken owner, pasty butt is gross and you would probably rather not clean a chicken’s butt, but pasty butt can cause death if not cleaned. A pasty butt or poopy butt is simply just a build-up of poop…
Four Winter Clothing Essentials That Will Keep You Warm on Your Backyard Farm
I HATE being cold but even more than being cold, I HATE doing backyard farm chores when it’s cold. One year, I had had it so I got clothes I could get dirty in but would keep me warm. Here’s the list of clothing necessities for winter I use. Berne…
Six Chicken Breeds that are Family Friendly
Buff Orpington (HANDS DOWN): If you are just starting and thinking about getting chickens, I would have a full flock just of these gold beauties. I haven’t had one Buff that isn’t friendly. These birds are hardy and that’s important up here in North Idaho when the weather gets cold.…
What I Learned in 2022
This is a tradition that is so refreshing, renewing, reflective, and fun! I believe it is such a good practice to look back on the year to see what I learned, remember what happened, and most importantly take what I learned and apply it to my next year of life.…
How to Successfully Prepare for a New Bunny
So you decided to get a bunny. Congratulations! Welcome to the world of bunny owners. You will soon realize your bunny needs you as much as you need it. I didn’t know I loved bunnies until we got our first bunny, Tarzan. He was and still is just the sweetest…
6 Items You NEED If You Have a Hobby Farm
These six items changed how we farm in our backyard. These items make chores less frequent making time for more family fun. No Mess Feeder This no-mess feeder has saved us money. It is some money up front, definitely more money than a regular chicken feeder. But it’s worth it.…