Category: Essentials
A Simple & Organized Solution for Storing Your Annual Seeds
I started looking this year for an organized method of storing the annual seeds we use. I looked up “seed organizer” on Amazon, and a photo box popped up. Inside this photo box are little boxes where I can put my seed packets. I thought, why not try it? This…
Four Winter Clothing Essentials That Will Keep You Warm on Your Backyard Farm
I HATE being cold but even more than being cold, I HATE doing backyard farm chores when it’s cold. One year, I had had it so I got clothes I could get dirty in but would keep me warm. Here’s the list of clothing necessities for winter I use. Berne…
6 Items You NEED If You Have a Hobby Farm
These six items changed how we farm in our backyard. These items make chores less frequent making time for more family fun. No Mess Feeder This no-mess feeder has saved us money. It is some money up front, definitely more money than a regular chicken feeder. But it’s worth it.…