Category: Life
MINI Greeting Cards
I like mini things. Whenever there is anything mini, I am immediately drawn to it. Mini honey? I’m buying it. Mini Bag Balm? Yep! I have to have it. While I was messing around with my new cameo and Quinn needed a card for her friend, I got an idea—mini…
A Gift Guide For the Person Who Loves Tea
At the end of December, we went to a local tea shop and cafe with our little family, my side of the family, and my grandma. We went for High Tea, and it was so much fun. We got to have cute little sandwiches cut into different shapes. They had…
Makeup Products for Acne-Prone Skin
When I started wearing makeup, I wore non-comedogenic labeled makeup. When I started having terrible hormonal acne, it felt like nothing was working. When I looked in the mirror, I was so insecure about how my face looked, and it was the first time in my life that I felt…
What I Learned in 2023
This yearly tradition allows me to reflect, look forward, see growth, be thankful, and know what I need to continue learning. 2023 was a year of waiting again, and in that waiting, a considerable change followed a lot of uncertainty in our adoption plans. We found out that our previous…
Dear Anxiety: How You Make me Borrow Troubles
Dear Anxiety, I’m done borrowing trouble and worry from tomorrow, the next day, the next week, the next month, and the next year. I’m done. Well, I really want to be. Yet, I’m in this cycle of dwelling on what ifs. This week I had two women tell me to…
Raising Kids with Animals
When I was a little girl I had many pets. Bunnies, guinea pigs, fish – two particular 25-cent goldfish lived so long we actually had to move them to a cow water tank when we moved away, cats, dogs, and chickens. I got to see all parts of an animal’s…
Favorite Products in October 2023
October Skincare Faves: Chicken Coop Faves: Self-Care October Favorites Please read my Tea Lovers Gift Guide for more of my favorites. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Rest assured, I only link to products I love.
How Our Hands Tell Part of Our Story
I have always loved hands because they tell so much. Different Hands, Different Stories You know if someone is a construction worker by looking at their hands. Their hands show all the labor they have done with healing wounds from pulled splinters or cuts from a tool. They are muscular…
Summer 2023
I can’t tell you the last time we had a summer, we weren’t doing any vast projects. It’s been a long time, I can tell you that. If I had to choose three words to describe our summer they would be: Here in North Idaho, our summers are amazing. With…