• Gratefulness. An ongoing journal full of entries that I take time to write in daily or when I am afraid to go straight to writing out what I am grateful for to change my mindset.
  • Breathing Techniques. Deep Breaths in and out.
  • Practice Meditation. I find this to be a good time to meditate on how much God loves me.
  • Grounding Techniques. Using the 5 senses and naming three things I can see, taste, smell, hear, and touch/feel
  • Therapy. To check in, to help me be unstuck, to ingest truth, to be held accountable.
  • Daily Bible Reading. I want to know the scriptures because I know the Holy Spirit will bring to mind scripture I have ingested in a time when I need it most. Being in scripture also allows me a deeper intimacy with God because I get to know who he is and what I am a part of.
  • Give myself grace. There will be hard days and there will be hard moments. Keep putting one foot in front of the other. I am the hardest on myself and I need to be reminded to give myself grace.