1. It’s not about me doing more. It’s about being still and letting God work in me.
  2. I can’t be fearful and grateful at the same time so I am committing to writing down all that I am grateful for whenever I am fearful. Which right now is quite often. (Thank you Ann Voskamp)
  3. I am not alone because God is with me, always, but also because there are other people dealing with what I’m dealing with.
  4. When I choose to treasure Kingdom things, I am free. Get out of the comfort of the constant worry and what-if cycle and climb into the comfort of Jesus’ lap. He is a true comfort. What is “comfortable” is holding you back from true comfort.
  5. Remember the times He has been faithful.
  6. Keep going to therapy.
  7. Be in community with other believers, this is where hope is found. Hearing different stories of faith and seeing God working through different lives.
  8. Jesus delights in me. My anxiety is not too much for him. He sings over me!
  9. When I step out of my isolated brain (I don’t isolate my body, I go inward), I feel freedom because my focus is on something else.
  10. When I am grateful, my perspective shifts, and out of that shift, joy shows up. Ann Voskamp says that when we list what we are grateful for, we list all the gifts that God has given us, and we realize that we are thanking the giver of the gifts. We start to see his love for us in the smallest of things.

So here’s the truth about anxiety-

  • Anxiety is lonely, but God being omnipresent makes it so you are never alone.
  • Anxiety is isolating, but God being rich in mercy pulls me from the isolation and brings me to a spacious place because he delights in me.
  • Anxiety is scary, but God says to make up my mind not to be afraid because He has given me grace for this moment. I haven’t reached the next moment, but I can have faith that He will continue to provide me with grace in that moment as well.
  • Anxiety is confusing, but nothing is confusing to God because he is omniscient.
  • Anxiety is bondage, but God frees me from what entraps me.
  • Anxiety is not a treasure of the Kingdom of God, but God is ever loving, ever merciful, and ever grace-filled giving treasures of truth to hold onto so that I may walk in the now and not yet filled with gratitude that he is the giver of good things.