Well, we did a thing. And that thing is buying a Babydoll Southdown Sheep.
Susan 🤍
I had been looking into Babydoll sheep, but hadn’t been able to find the right fit. I really wanted a bottle fed lamb because I wanted the bond that comes with feeding the lamb a bottle.
I found a local family that has had a Babydoll sheep flock for 18 years. Susan was rejected by her mother because her mom got an ear infection. It was just too much to care for a baby with the annoyance of an ear infection.
This family was so informative about how to take care of a lamb. They were so helpful and so encouraging. We really appreciated their knowledge on the subject of sheep.
Bonding with Susan
When we picked Susan up, she was five days old! She’s itty bitty. I love when she chases after us. Especially when she gets excited she jumps. It’s very cute.
Already we are seeing her personality. She uses her hooves to scratch us when she wants attention. She baa’s whenever she sees me. She follows me around everywhere. She gets SO excited when we come to bring her milk. She is such a sweet little lamb. I can’t wait for her to be my shadow whenever I’m outside.
The bond we already have is strong. Although it is encouraged to have at least two sheep because of their flocking instinct, right now we just have Susan. The family we bought her from said that they have had Babydoll sheep bond with geese and donkeys! Because of our faithful Gerty Goose, we and the family we bought Susan from knew she wouldn’t be alone. Especially with all the attention we will give her.
We are excited for this new venture on our backyard farm and can’t wait to share any updates we have on Susan.