Purchase Your Plans for the Simple Playhouse!

So we built a playhouse. Quinn has been asking for one for some time, so we started building it when she stayed at her Nana and Papa’s house for 5 days. Our goals were to build it so she could use it for years, even when she’s out of the make-believe stage. Another goal was for Jordan and me to be able to stand in it. We also wanted to be able to camp in it during the summer and have sleepovers, so it needed to be wide and long enough to fit people on the floor. 

We decided on an 8×8 for our playhouse.

Our original plan was to do an A-frame, but with an A-frame, we would’ve lost about 2 feet of playing area on both sides. Now, for little kids who can squeeze anywhere, it wasn’t that big of a deal, but with our goal of wanting to sleep in there as a family, we decided to go with 2-foot walls and then do a pitched roof for the top.

We had all sorts of weather when we built this thing! Only in North Idaho will it hail, snow, rain, and be sunny all in one day. 

Oh! There’s our sweet girl! 

little girl in playhouse

As you can see to the left of the picture above, we just planted some Green Thuja Giants to make a privacy hedge. We had a huge windstorm that blew down all the pine trees around our house a year and a half ago. It was crazy, traumatic, and completely changed our landscape. We have NO privacy now. This playhouse adds a little bit of privacy which we are thankful for.

I went to Ross (of all places) and found the hopscotch mat, the cushions, and the pillow. You never know with Ross, so I am glad I checked there!

backyard playhouse

Taking a nap in her playhouse! 

Cuddling ”Tangled”, one of her chickens while coloring.

We finally put backyard playhouse at dusk with fairy lights

We added backyard playhouse

Purchase your Simple Playhouse Plans NOW!

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