Tag: Backyard Farming

  • Four Winter Clothing Essentials That Will Keep You Warm on Your Backyard Farm

    Four Winter Clothing Essentials That Will Keep You Warm on Your Backyard Farm

    I HATE being cold but even more than being cold, I HATE doing backyard farm chores when it’s cold. One year, I had had it so I got clothes I could get dirty in but would keep me warm. Here’s the list of clothing necessities for winter I use. Berne…

  • Six Chicken Breeds that are Family Friendly

    Six Chicken Breeds that are Family Friendly

    Buff Orpington (HANDS DOWN): If you are just starting and thinking about getting chickens, I would have a full flock just of these gold beauties. I haven’t had one Buff that isn’t friendly. These birds are hardy and that’s important up here in North Idaho when the weather gets cold.…

  • How to Successfully Prepare for a New Bunny

    How to Successfully Prepare for a New Bunny

    So you decided to get a bunny. Congratulations! Welcome to the world of bunny owners. You will soon figure out your bunny needs you as much as you need it. I didn’t know I loved bunnies until we got our first bunny, Tarzan. He was and still is just the…

  • 6 Items You NEED If You Have a Hobby Farm

    6 Items You NEED If You Have a Hobby Farm

    These six items changed how we farm in our backyard. These items make chores less frequent making time for more family fun. No Mess Feeder This no-mess feeder has saved us money. It is some money up front, definitely more money than a regular chicken feeder. But it’s worth it.…

  • How to Raise Friendly Ducks

    How to Raise Friendly Ducks

    If your ducks aren’t friendly, is it even worth it?! It’s important for our ducks to be friendly so that our daughter Quinn can enjoy them. One of the things we have let Quinn do is when we have gotten a new duck, we let her hold them and teach…

  • How to Potty Train Your Bunny

    How to Potty Train Your Bunny

    Whenever our bunnies run around the house and then we have people over, they are always surprised to find out that bunnies can be potty trained. Who doesn’t want a fluffy, cuddly bunny following them around? It’s a dream, I’ll say that. When we got both our bunnies, they were…

  • Two Things You Can Do That Will Help Your Molting Chickens

    Two Things You Can Do That Will Help Your Molting Chickens

    Your chickens might be looking a little ratty. Their feathers might look torn up or they might be bald in some places. They might even already be regrowing feathers and you just see the quills. You might also notice that there might not be as many eggs in the nesting…

  • Six Real Reasons to get Ducks

    Six Real Reasons to get Ducks

    1. They are great pest control. They catch bugs in the air! As well as all the bugs they eat as they forage. It’s pretty cool to watch them roam around. They will eat all those pesky bugs you don’t want in your garden or flower beds. 2. They won’t…

  • Our Easy Clean Duck Coop

    Our Easy Clean Duck Coop

    PURCHASE YOUR DIY PLAN Visit my BUILD LINKS page to get the product links we used in this build!  NEW & UPDATED Duck/Goose Door COMING SOON. We got a goose and had to make our little door bigger. Plans for that, coming soon! If you have purchased our Easy Duck Coop Plans…

  • How to Make a No Mess Duckling Brooder

    How to Make a No Mess Duckling Brooder

    We are new to the duck game. I mean, new. We have only had the ducks for just over a week and the first brooder I had set up was not working. Why? You may ask. I’ll tell you! Why a Duck Brooder Has to be Different Than a Chick…