Tag: Road Tripping

  • Laura Ingalls Wilder Homestead Road Trip

    Laura Ingalls Wilder Homestead Road Trip

    Our epic family road trip started because Quinn wanted to go to Mount Rushmore. I started reading out loud to her the Little House book set because we had started dipping our toes into the 1970s TV show. Little did I know we would all find comfort, rest, and intentional…

  • Our Epic Summer Road Trip to Mount Rushmore and the Ingalls’s Homestead

    Our Epic Summer Road Trip to Mount Rushmore and the Ingalls’s Homestead

    Quinn asked if we could go to Mount Rushmore after her kindergarten year. We said that would be so much fun but require planning, so we planned a road trip the following summer. First Day Our epic summer road trip started with an eight-hour drive to Billings, Montana. On the…