Pestavert from Small Pet Select
Finding Out My Bunnies Had Mites
I went out one day to check on our buns, feed and water them, and give them some love. When I petted my oldest bunny, I noticed the hair on the nape of his neck came off easily, and that dandruff was attached. I immediately started googling what it could be. When I came across walking dandruff, or the official name Cheyletiella, I started researching solutions. Walking Dandruff is a type of mite animals can get that causes their hair to fall out. It’s easy to see as large pieces of dandruff and hair will come off your bunny.
Everything I encountered while researching involved bringing them to the vet and doing multiple treatments with multiple vet visits. The medicine would have to be prescribed. I didn’t like that.
The Solution
Desperate for an at-home solution, I searched the web for DIY solutions and/or solutions I could buy. I found Pestavert from Small Pet Select and gave it a try. You guys, it took away the mites. Our bunny’s hair has grown back, and we will continue to use this as a preventative measure. I am very impressed with how well this worked.
I sprayed the bunnies’ napes of their necks and hindquarters, where the mites like to be, once per day. This spray is 100% organic and safe for humans (you can spray it in your mouth). I wouldn’t, but it just shows how safe it is.
Another important thing I did was clean their cages. I took the bunnies out of their cage and swept up any stray hay, food, and poop. I then bleached and cleaned their cages, especially their hideouts and all the corners. When the cage was dry, I sprayed the pestevert on the corners of the cage. I then let the bunnies back into their living quarters.
Some other helpful information I found was that mites are normal. I was so worried I was doing something wrong. Just because your bunny has mites doesn’t mean you are a horrible bunny owner. Ensuring the cage is clean is important, but I also read that the hay you get for your rabbits can have the mites in there. Some people freeze their hay to kill all the mites and then give the thawed-out hay to their rabbits. We bought a huge bale of hay for our rabbits, and they got their mites. So, we will stick with giving them bagged hay from now on. I also got these hay holders to keep as much hay off their cage floor so it doesn’t encourage the little buggers to stick around.
Pestavert from Small Pet Select
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