This is my fourth year doing this, and I always appreciate looking back at the year and reviewing what I learned. It is a time for reflection and looking forward, when I can remember God’s faithfulness and the growth I have experienced. Humor and life memories also abound.
Here’s my 2024 reflection:
Fire alarms will only start to beep at 3 am to tell you to change the batteries. Luckily, one is hard-wired into our home’s electricity, so it’s extra fun when the backup batteries go out on that one.
Seeing kiddos pick up their first bunny to bring it home is rewarding. I think about how excited they are, and then I think about how the parents will be taking care of that bunny for the most part after the first two months, and I laugh.

Homegrown peaches are the best. The juiciest, melt-in-your-mouth kind.
Bento boxes are the best option for school lunches. They’re eco-friendly, require fewer bags, and are organized. A win in my book!

Green olives stuffed with jalapeño and garlic are a favorite snack, especially while I make dinner.
We went to the second round of March Madness games, and this was the only time I had ever seen the men’s line for the restroom out the door into the hall, and the women did not have a line. This was exciting because when I was at the Apple Cup years ago, the women’s line was so long that some other women and I chose to go into the men’s bathroom. More women followed, and it became a thing.

I didn’t know how much I needed yoga—for my mind, body, and soul. It has helped my mind focus, my body remembers to breathe and relax in times of stress, and my soul prepares to be quiet with my Savior.
I’m more of an outdoor animal person. I do not fully enjoy having our dogs inside all the time.
We got to visit the church I went to when I was little. I had been back many times before, but Quinn was with us this time, making it so much more special. I had the pleasure of introducing her to my Sunday School teachers, and they got to share memories of when I was a kid. It was fun to reminisce. We had so many deep friendships that we still have today and so many memories that we hold dear. I frequently remember that time and have so much gratitude.

Prayer is something I grew in this year. Even just talking to Jesus throughout my day increased. Prayer is easily put to the side, but why would I do that when I have direct access to my Savior? Now, it seems silly to me to put it on the back burner.
Get yourself a heated blanket. It doesn’t disappoint.
Yeast mixed in warm water with a little honey and salt. The smell is one of my favorites. It gets me excited for yummy bread slathered in butter.

A nasty, blind, and helpless cat that found us was lost for a week this year. We thought he had died. But a week into thinking he had finally kicked the bucket, a random, older lady showed up at our door to ask us if we were missing our cat. I was immediately appalled and a little scared and asked, “Is he dead?” Thinking her house was the chosen spot where he died. But NO. He is alive and has 18 lives, apparently. She even took him to the vet to check for a chip and got him a scratching post. I almost asked, “Do you want to keep him?” because she seriously fell in love with a cat we inherited. We realized after his homecoming that we missed him while he was away.

Acrylic nails are fun for the first week. After that, I want them off.
Just get in the water. Jumping in is better than slowly getting in. It’s better to get in quickly and get used to the water, then slowly feel the water creep up your body and get tense while you try to get used to it.
Carve a pumpkin with a jigsaw. It’s way easier and quicker.

Waiting is a Wilderness. Adoption is a hard, long, grueling process that we are still patiently waiting and expectantly hoping for a referral. In the wilderness, I have learned that closing my mouth and listening to Holy Spirit is the sweet spot.
Watching Jordan pitch in the church softball league is a blast, but hanging out with all your friends while you watch takes the cake.
Peach Rings from Circle K are the best peach rings, hands down.

I’m old school in many ways, but one of the ways is that I still write my grocery list on a piece of physical paper. I’ve tried to do it on my phone, but I have found that doing it on paper where I can scribble out what I’ve already put in the cart is much more helpful.
The Aurora Borealis is magnificent. We’ve done this twice now as a family, where we go out to Silverwood late at night in our cozy clothes to take pictures, make memories, and freeze our butts off.

The above picture was in our backyard!

Staycations are the best vacations.

Hummingbirds are so intricate. We watched a mama hummingbird lay eggs in her teeny tiny nest atop a neighbor’s outlet. Then, we watched her care for the two tiny baby hummingbirds until they flew the nest. I then watched one of the hummingbirds enjoy the nectar from our Honeysuckle plant. I could watch them all day.
Trying to scare my husband, who is the master scarer, doesn’t work out, especially with three people who can’t keep their giggles in.

We finally got trim done in our home, specifically where we have remodeled, and wow, it finishes it off. It makes it look like we live in a brand-new home. Trim is the finishing touch you hold off on because it’s time-consuming, but when it’s done, you think, “Why didn’t I do this sooner?” Trim finishes off a home, making it cozy and clean. It also gives the feeling of completeness, a job well done, and accomplishment.

I still love a good cat cuddle. Especially when they hop up on my lap on their own fruition. Ember, our female cat, will act like we are the scum of the earth, but when anyone walks by our house, she runs to the street to get attention. She rubs against their legs and does cute meows. We hardly get that kind of attention.
If you want a shadow, get a Babydoll Sheep. Susan is my best animal friend. She’s loyal, knows her name, talks to me, and, best of all, stays outside. Read all about Caring for a Babydoll Sheep.

Christmas traditions are so fun to be a part of. We have a Christmas tradition on my mom’s side of the family where a person dresses up as Santa and bangs on the house wall outside, then walks in front of a window so the kids can see him. Then we welcome him into our home, and he hands out little gifts to each person. Sometimes, the adults even get something! It’s funnier for the adults as they watch the guy (or sometimes the girl) get dressed up and act like Santa. Santa has had a lot of different voices and personalities over the years. Watching the kids’ excitement with the magic of Santa and knowing full well that it’s their dad or uncle (or sometimes aunt, mom, or grandma) is so cute.

Flower farming is hard work, but it is worth it. Building and creating these bouquets was a highlight of my summer. I can’t wait to continue with new blooms and more knowledge. Read What I Learned as a First-Year Flower Farmer.

Every person should experience feeding a lamb a bottle once in their life.

A family road trip is the best. Laughs were had, good food was eaten, lots of hotels were stayed at, and best of all, memories were made.

Having a slower day, where I do not have to leave home to work, has been wonderful for this season. I realize that not everyone can do this, and I’m thankful that I’m able to. I notice that I’m less hurried in the morning when bringing Quinn to school, which is a win for me and her. I also can focus on what I want to do for dinner for the family and not be stressed about the house and farm chores that need to be done.