solid black holland lop

baby black Holland Lop
  1. They can be potty trained. Our baby bunnies are potty trained before they even go to their new home. Read my most popular blog post about How to Potty Train Your Bunny.
  2. Their personalities are mood lifters- especially when they get the zoomies, flop on their side, or stretch out their hind legs.
  3. They are relatively low maintenance compared to a dog or cat. If we are gone for a weekend, we know our bunnies will be completely fine because their water, feed, and hay all last for at least 3 days.
  4. Petting a bunny reduces stress. I just did this with all my baby bunnies we have right now to get them used to human hands and I just loved on them as they sat on my chest and enjoyed the snuggles under my neck. I was very relaxed after doing so.
  5. They are playful and entertaining! Their most active hours are mornings and evenings! Perfect for any work schedule.
  6. They are great for apartments. They are quiet and only need a 4×4 space to live in daily and the choice to free roam whenever you are home.
  7. They are great companions. Our bunnies kiss us and honk when happy. They love a good treat from the fridge now and then too.
a litter of four Holland Lops