A goal I have in parenting Quinn is to lead with humility. I’m never going to be a perfect parent and there never will be a perfect parent. But when I lead with humility, connection is stronger. I was listening to the Raising Boys and Girls podcast this week and they had Dr. Chip Dodd on there speaking about his new children’s book. He said this when asked how to parent adult children:

“Get prepared to seek forgiveness. In the child and adolescent years, we will harm our children. We will have regrets, but we need to learn to live in humility. The way we stay connected to our adult children is by owning those regrets.”

Now, I’m not there yet, I’m still enjoying the little years, but I have been able to see my parents do this for my brother and I. Let me tell you, our relationship has never been stronger. I’m so thankful I have an amazing relationship with my parents.

Even though we will mess up, we have hope!

little girl bike riding worshiping God, why i ask my child for forgiveness